🔕Notifications in Teams or “Is it pinging you?”

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In order for teams to be accepted by users and for them to enjoy working with them, the notifications should also support and not cause trouble. So it must not ping too often or too rarely. But where and how do I set it? That’s why I take my time at the beginning of user training to answer exactly these questions and help them adapt.

How does Teams notify you?
🔔 Banner: Small popup box at the bottom
 Feed: Notification under “Activities”For most areas, you can choose whether you want to receive an activity notification and a banner or whether the🔔 former is sufficient for you.

Where can adjustments be made?
🔹 General  Teams Settings: General handling of notifications in your team
🔹 Individual  additional settings: For individual chats and/or teams (channels)

My tips:
Take the time to adapt the general settings to your way of working.
Especially in the transition phase to Teams, regular e-mail notifications can help.
Pro tip: If you switch between several tenants as a guest, you can configure the e-mail notifications individually for each tenant.

✅  Customize notifications in your key team channels

If you mute a chat or an entire team, it’s better to leave it right away.
Adjust the settings again if you notice that they are frustrating you.

💡 Tip: Take time to regularly review and adjust your notification settings to get the most out of your team and focus on what’s important! 💪

My tips:

Take the time to adapt the general settings to your way of working.
Especially in the transition phase to Teams, regular e-mail notifications can help.
Pro tip: If you switch between several tenants as a guest, you can configure the e-mail notifications individually for each tenant.

✅  Customize notifications in your key team channels

If you mute a chat or an entire team, it’s better to leave it right away.
Adjust the settings again if you notice that they are frustrating you.

💡 Tip: Take time to regularly review and adjust your notification settings to get the most out of your team and focus on what’s important! 💪

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Anja Schröder


My goal is to help people build and optimise their organisation’s digital collaboration using Microsoft Teams as a platform and Microsoft 365 Services.

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